Saturday, April 17, 2021

Honouring Semisi Naqica

Semisi was born in Tavua, Fiji  on December 7, 1967. His father, Samisoni Naqica, is from the Nubu Clan tribe of Nadarivatu, Fiji. His mother, Vasenai Nadule is from the tribe of Nairoso of the Navinoti Clan.  Semisi gave his heart to the Lord in 1984 through the Assembly of God Church Evangelistic Crusade in his village in Nadarivatu. During the crusade, he was hiding in the bushes in the dark listening to a Fijian Gospel song, “He has never failed me yet”. He remembers weeping through the song of God’s love. This was unusual since he was brought up in a traditional Methodist church where he had never cried before in a church service! He recalls how he couldn’t get out of the bush for the public altar call because if his father found out he would be in trouble for associating with a Pentecostal church. The following night, alone at his family farmhouse, he knelt and invited Jesus into his heart, remembering and following the Evangelist’s prayer for salvation from the night before. This was the beginning of an amazing new journey with God.  A year later, Semesi decided to make a public commitment during an altar call in a crusade.
As a young boy before his encounter with God, way up on the mountain in the interior of Fiji, Semisi would stay out at night and watch the stars, trying to count them while all his family slept. He would watch airplanes with lights moving among the stars, wishing that one day maybe he’d be up there riding in one and looking down. 
He read a lot in his early school days and was drawn to the information about Native Indians of North America. He was so excited about them that he started to watch western movies about Indians and cowboys and would always cheer for the Native Indians when they fought. He eventually  left the village to go to the city for high school and, after high school, found a security job at a resort.
One day at work, while looking down at the ocean and watching the waves from the top of the balcony, Semisi had an impression of God speaking to him. “Beyond those waves are far away nations. Would you go and tell them I love them?” This experience pierced his heart. He entered his room and knelt down on the floor. Again he heard, “Do you love me?” Three times this question came. Semesi responded, “Lord I love you! “ After this  he was led to read the story in Genesis 22 where God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac on the altar. Semesi realized there were things in his life that had become idols. He knew he needed to surrender these to God. One by one, he surrendered parents, other family, his job, his nation of Fiji and his dreams for the future. While sobbing over these, he suddenly had peace - overwhelming peace. He knew now his heart was in the center of God’s will. He uttered a prayer, “Here I am Lord, send me.” 
In the 90’s, about a year after this encounter, Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth with A Mission (YWAM),  came to Fiji to speak at a mission conference. His goal was to mobilize Christians with a heart for missions. When Loren called people to step out and make a commitment, Semesi was one among the crowd with tears in his eyes. This was another confirmation for God's call for missions in his life. 
10/40 Window Nations
He later joined YWAM and did a Discipleship Training School (DTS) in April 1990 at the Vunayasi, YWAM base in Nadi. During a time of intercessory prayer, the Lord began to speak to him about reaching out to the natives of North America, especially of Canada. After his DTS, he joined the 24/7 YWAM Prayer team at the Babakula, Nadi Prayer Mountain for a year. They were interceding for the 10/40 window nations.  He then travelled to the Pacific Island of Tonga with a team, to help pioneer University Of The Nations (YWAM), staying to attend a School of Missions (SOM). After nearly a Year in Tonga, he left to go back to Fiji. In 1993, he finally left Fiji to work as a missionary among the natives in Canada with a ministry of Pacific Islanders called, “The Second Wave,” (later changed to the "Pacific Waves") led by a Samoan Brother named Vaeluagaomatagi Elisara, and his Canadian wife Julie (nee) Jordan. God supernaturally provided his airfare.  
While on the flight leaving Fiji at night, Semesi was reminded of the times as a boy when he would look up at the airplanes flying overhead and wonder if he would ever be on one. He felt the Lord confirm that desire was from him. Tears started to roll down his eyes as he realised God’s goodness and faithfulness. He knew that God fulfills the dreams he puts within us!
Semesi spent 15 years in YWAM in Canada, including a year as a prayer missionary with the House of Prayer (called the War Room run by a Vineyard church in Kelowna, BC, Canada). He also spent another year with a ministry from Fiji called, “The Healing of The Land” serving among Inuit communities in the Northern Arctic of Canada. He became connected and part of a ministry in Canada called The Watchmen of The Nation that prepares the way for the destiny of Canada and prepares Canada to be a resting place for Him.

In September 2009, Semesi married Gela, an Inuit, one of the First Nations people of Arctic, Canada. He recalls how God supernaturally brought them together. They first met in Winnipeg, Manitoba, at a Christian retreat. They were married back in Semesi’s village in Fiji. He now has 5 step-children from his wife’s first husband who passed away in a plane crash. The children’s names are Julie, Pudloo, Miali, Cynthia and Syzula. 

Semesi believes that his main gifts are prayer and intercession, teaching,  pastoral, leadership, mentoring, counseling and discipleship as well as bringing, healing and reconciliation.
Over the years, Semesi attended a number of YWAM and other training schools: 
  • Biblical Studies (SBS)
  • School of Mission (SOM)
  • School of Intercession, Worship and Spiritual Warfare (SOIWSW) 
  • School of Worship and Prophecy (Vineyard Church)
  • School of Biblical counseling (Arctic Ministry)
  • School of Leadership(Bible Arctic Mission).  

Currently, Semesi is serving the Church of Zion and Watchmen of The Nation of Canada. He is part of an intercession group at his local church in Arctic, Canada and is also mentoring and discipling his granddaughter at home. In addition, over Zoom, he meets with key fathers and mothers (and other global family members) who are connecting with the younger generation in Fiji. Each week, they meet to worship and wait on God to hear his heart for Fiji. 

His greatest passion is to see the healing of the nations, the people and the land (2 Chronicle 7:14) through repentance, reconciliation, healing, restoration, oneness and unity of God’s Family, as well as to see the generations walking together and honoring one another. He wants to see indigenous people of North America and the nations rise up and take their place to rule and reign with Jesus in the Kingdom as stewards of the land and gatekeepers.
Semesi is very grateful for his own mother and father and the many spiritual fathers and mothers  who have mentored him over the years. He sees these people as his heroes. But most of all he thanks his Heavenly Father for his  father's heart, always pursuing and self-revealing-something that began way back during his DTS when he first understood God as his father. He sees God’s love and kindness, and promises that have changed him forever! 
Mailing address: PO BOX 11491, IQALUIT, X0A 1H0 , NUNAVUT,CANADA.       
Facebook: Semisi Naqica

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